We’re back again with some more awesome podcasts for you to sink your teeth into! Get ready, it’s a pretty fantastic selection!

The Ladder
Coming from Intern Magazine, The Ladder is a podcast focused on informing, preparing the next generation of young creatives. Talking to different creatives about their work, and asking some pretty real questions, it’s definitely an interesting listen.
Listen here: The Ladder

The Library
Shhh...it’s The Library! Join Kyle Weeks, as he sits down to take you through some pretty interesting events in our history. Super easy to understand, fortnightly episodes covering many well-known events in human history, all with an injection of great personality!
Listen here: The Library

The Interview
Job interviews. We’ve pretty much all had them. They’re pretty dull and nobody likes them really, but they can change your life. But when Alex, Brian and Claire turn up for this job interview, they never imagined it would turn out like THIS… A superbly dark twist on such a normal setting, this audio drama is definitely one to listen to.
Listen here: The Interview

The Group of Rather Unusual Blokes
Get ready for a wild, interdimensional ride through time and space! Join Steampunk Scientist and inventor, Professor Whizbangah, on his adventures in a new dimension, filled with “superheroes, villains, space adventures and horrible fates for those not prepared”. Sound interesting? Then join in the adventure below!
Listen here: The Group of Rather Unusual Blokes

Cold War Conversations
Fascinated by the Cold War? So are a lot of other people! Join the community around Cold War Conversations, a fascinating podcast focused on telling the stories behind the Cold War. Some episodes are talking to people who are simply interested in the happenings of the Cold War, and some talk with real people who actually experienced everything.
Listen here: Cold War Conversations
And that’s all for this week. Some pretty amazing ones in there, right? We knew you’d be impressed! Keep those eyes on our social media (@podcastdotco) for our next lot of picks for Podcast of the Day, and make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter so you always get our weekly roundups!