If you want to get your podcast noticed on the internet, you need to make it available in more places than just your website. By making your podcast available on as many podcast directories as you can you are making sure your podcast gets to as many people as it possibly can. We’re going to show you some of the best podcast directories that you should be submitting your podcast to.

Setting Up Your RSS Feed
Firstly, you need to make sure you have an active RSS feed for your podcast. You can do this easily through sites like BluBrry, including inputting all of the metadata that will help people to easily find your podcast on different websites. If you're not sure what RSS feeds are or where to find yours, then here's a quick RSS crash course. Once you’ve got the RSS feed setup, you can start submitting your show to different podcast directories.

iTunes Store
The most obvious location to submit your podcast would be to the iTunes store, and it’s pretty easy to do. You just need to create an Apple ID, sign into iTunes Connect, and then enter all your details for your podcast and submit it there. iTunes still seems to be one of the most popular platforms in terms of audience traffic. The convenience of the Podcasts app means that your listeners will be able to access your content wherever they are.

Stitcher is another popular platform to submit your podcast to. Again with its own app, it provides easy on-demand access to over 100,000 podcasts, and you could be one of them. They actually recently placed in the Top 5 Podcast Apps by TIME Magazine this year and in the Top 5 News Apps by Apple.

Spotify is widely used by people for streaming music that they love, and they have expanded into offering podcast downloads and streaming. They are now very close behind iTunes for being the most popular choice when it comes to downloading and listening to podcasts. It also means that Android users that can’t get to iTunes will be able to find your podcast as well. You can submit your podcast to Spotify directly through most media hosting websites.

Adding your podcast to TuneIn is also very easy and will definitely increase the amount of listeners you get. With over 75 million listeners worldwide, it’s well worth submitting your podcast here. It’s just a simple form where you fill out all the details about your podcast and then input your stream URL.
Google Podcasts
For years, Google operated two competing podcast platforms: Google Play & Google Podcasts. But last year Google finally announced it was shuttering Google Play for good and going all in on Google Podcasts instead. This obviously makes much more sense. The app recently hit 100 million installs on Android, indicating the streamlined approach has struck a chord with listeners. Google also has some exciting features in the works, including a current beta which lets listeners curate personalised episode recommendations. Developments like these may go a long way to revolutionising how people discover podcasts. So it's important to have a presence on the platform.

Acast is a new app that offers a good platform for podcasts with an app available on both iOS, Windows and Android. It actually suggests podcasts to potential listeners based on other things they’ve listened too or shown interest in. Also, if you choose to host your podcast on Acast as well, you gain access to monetisation via advertisement and promotional opportunities.