Brands should be using podcasts. 10 years ago every business started their own YouTube channel, releasing videos tied into their products reaching potential customers. Today the shift has focused on podcasts. Listeners are more engaged and willing to take action than any other form of media, so now is the perfect time to start your own show.
Podcasts Are the New Video
Video production requires a range of skills that members of your team may not possess. To learn these skills and execute them well can take years of professional training which is time-consuming and costly. You could always employ a professional videographer and editor to make these videos but this again will be costly and will mean that your videos have little input from the rest of your team.
If you contract in a videographer or editor then your videos will be infrequent and potential audiences will not know when to expect to see your content. Podcasting relies on fewer skills and doesn’t require a lot of expensive equipment. This means that inevitably your podcast will be better quality and will seem more professional than a video.

Videos also tend to make those appearing on screen uncomfortable which makes your brand look bad, unless you hire experienced presenters. Podcasting is a more relaxing environment where you can have notes, scripts and information around you so you can be your best. You can also release podcasts on a weekly basis which not only promotes your brand frequently but also means you have plenty of opportunities to keep building and honing in your podcasting skills. Using podcasts for your brand will certainly increase the quality and frequency of your output and therefore will attract greater audiences.
Grow Your Personal Brand With Podcasts
Launch your own podcast and strengthen your online presence with our fully managed service for business and thought leaders. You talk to guests, and we’ll handle everything else. Whatever you’ve got to say, we’ll turn it into original, quality content for you to share on all platforms.
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Podcasts Drive Traffic
Businesses and brands should be using podcats to reach different audiences that they may have struggled to reach before. Using the analytics that many podcast hosts provide you’ll be able to view who is accessing your podcast and work on optimising your content to suit specific audiences you want to reach.
If people consistently tune into your podcast every week then it increases your brand's familiarity. Those who listen will know where to look out for your brand, how to purchase your product and will most likely suggest it to their friends. If people subscribe to your podcast then they will have a constant reminder of your brand which will help the promotion of your brand even more.

If you integrate your podcast feed into your website and social media channels then you’ll notice that traffic to your website and social media will increase. This will further increase your brand recognition and will increase the amount of people that associate with your brand.

Build Relationships with Podcasts
Using podcasts for your brand helps the listener to develop a personal connection with the brand. If they hear a friendly voice regularly within the podcast they’re more likely to view the brand as trustworthy and reliable. They’ll also feel connected to the brand in some way and will want to support it best they can because they enjoy the podcast and therefore believe they will enjoy whatever the brand has to offer.
Customers are more likely to buy from a brand they feel they have a personal connection with that they deem to be trustworthy, reliable and tailored towards their individual character. A podcast will help to create that personal bond between brand and listener.

Easily Record & Distribute
Using podcasts for your brand is not only effective for brand promotion they’re also easy to create. Equipment required for making a podcast is very easily sourced and reasonably priced depending on the brands and models you choose. Most equipment that you use to make podcasts you will have come across before. It’s easy to learn how to use a lot of podcasting equipment and quite a lot of it can be learnt through trial and error.
The different distribution platforms available are also easy to use and cost varying amounts depending on which host you use and what plan you choose. There will always be one that matches your business, brand aesthetic and price range.

Engage with Potential Customers
Using podcasts for your brand helps to increase engagement. Podcast listeners tend to be loyal and will share your podcast on their social media and keep up to date with your output. 63% of podcast listeners buy the product that the podcast is promoting or contribute to the podcast via Patreon or other giving sites. Using podcasts for your brand therefore means that you increase your chances by more than half to sell your product to a new audience.
They’re also likely to suggest your brand to their friends, family and colleagues which will grow the amount of people who engage with your brand. Using a podcast for your brand will also change the way that people engage with your brand and will give your brand a new, fresh image.

Work Smarter, Not Harder
Using podcasts for your brand will improve important techniques of your team. The skills required for podcasting will help to increase your team’s confidence, morale, clarity, research skills, technical skills and communication skills. These skills are vital for business and can be applied to any other area of work that needs to be done for your brand.
If future opportunities for presentations or other promotional avenues turn up then you’ll have a team ready and waiting with a range of important techniques under their belt that will help the, to effectively promote and speak about your brand.
The Stats Behind Podcasting
If you’re wondering how many people listen to podcasts and are wondering if it’s lucrative to start using podcasts for your brand then here are a few stats to show you there’s a good market for it.
- 26% of Americans listen to podcasts
This means that in the USA alone there are potentially 84,682,000 people who could potentially access your podcast and engage with your brand.
- iTunes has over 1 billion subscribers
There’s potential for over a billion people to start engaging with podcasts and therefore begin engaging with your brand.
- There are 240 management/marketing podcasts
240 people have already adopted marketing podcasts which proves it’s a successful business venture. Also with only 240 existing your podcast won’t get drowned by thousands of others and it will be easier to compete with what’s already out there.
- Just 3% of marketers make podcasts
It’s good to be an early adopter of new promotional tools. There’s a market for the type of podcast you’ll be making and you can quickly join the podcasting club before everyone else does. If your brand is there before others then you’re going to look cutting edge.

Greater Brand Visibility
Using podcasts for your brand means that your brand will appear in more places online. It will appear on a range of reputable podcast hosting platforms, social media platforms, websites and blogs etc. Podcasting allows you to access different online platforms that were previously unavailable to your brand so it’s worth having that extra visibility. Different types of people use podcasting platforms so you’ll be targeting a new demographic who will learn about your brand and potentially become new customers.
Successful Marketing Podcasts

HBR IdeaCast
The Harvard Business Review IdeaCast is a podcast featuring the lead thinkers in business and management. The HBR IdeaCast has approximately 657,000 subscribers, over 3 million Facebook likes, over 1000 Twitter followers and averages around 14,000 listens per episode.

Art of Charm
The Art of Charm is a podcast that aims to help the listener upgrade their social and relationship building skills. The Art of Charm has approximately 6000 subscribers, 41K Facebook likes, 142K Twitter followers and averages around 2000 listens per episode.

The GaryVee Audio Experience
The GaryVee Audio Experience is a podcast hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, vlogger, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk who shares his tips, favourite things and keynotes with his listeners. The podcast has approximately 750,000 subscribers, 143,000 Facebook likes, 1.72 million Twitter followers and averages around 112,000 listens per episode
More People Are Listening to Podcasts
The kinds of people that listen to podcasts are often the kinds of people that a company may want to target. This means that using podcasts for your brand will drive an ideal demographic towards your brand. Here are a few statistics of the kinds of people that listen to podcasts.
- 27% of podcast listeners are aged 12-24
- 24% of podcast listener are aged 25-54
This shows that podcasts attract a younger audience who may have disposable cash to spend on your product.
- 56% of podcast listeners are male
- 44% of podcast listeners are female
It’s pretty much an even male to female split which means no matter what your brand is you will have a ready audience.
- The average podcast listener earns approximately $63,000 per year
Podcasts typically attract a better educated, higher earning audience. This means that they are more likely to have a disposable income to spend on your brand.

Brands Should Be Using Podcasts
Brands should be using podcasts for their business. Podcasting opens up new platforms, audiences, and interactions that complement your brand and help to grow your business. It also provides new opportunities and skills to your staff which can be applied across the brand.
Grow Your Personal Brand With Podcasts
Launch your own podcast and strengthen your online presence with our fully managed service for business and thought leaders. You talk to guests, and we’ll handle everything else. Whatever you’ve got to say, we’ll turn it into original, quality content for you to share on all platforms.