Here we are again! Hope 2019 is treating you great so far! We’ve got another list of amazing podcasts to keep you entertained during the Winter, (Or Summer in some parts of the world! Lucky!). So here we go!

The Downfall
What allowed celebrities and influencers to gain their fame? How did they do it? And how did they fall from fame into a dark infamy? The Downfall looks at different influential figures, like Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes, and how they fell from the highest of heights.
Listen here: The Downfall

Travel Adventures With Aimee
Love traveling? Perhaps you wish you could travel more but don't have the money right now? Well, this podcast covers EVERYTHING travel! From different destinations, to handy travel tips, to bits of history, and even some little stories thrown in there. This podcast is a great mix of wonderful travel adventures!
Listen here: Travel Adventures with Aimee

Digital Marketing Punk
The world of marketing can be hard to navigate sometimes, with all that jargon and such. The Digital Marketing Punk podcast offers simplistic marketing advice for companies and startups, without the “geek-speak”, with extra helpful tips from industry experts. Join in the conversation now and get more out of your marketing efforts.
Listen here: Digital Marketing Punk

Epic Footnote Productions
Two friends, Matt and Zach, debate and geek out over random topics each episode. With a series of different mini-shows within the podcast, like 2 Minutes to Review, and If You Have to Pick 3. With a whole huge variety of topics being discussed, it’s well worth a listen!
Listen here: Epic Footnote Productions

Cheers to Business
A business podcast, without the stuffiness! Cheers to Business discusses everything business, including starting, running and refining your business, but over a friendly glass of wine, (or two!). Join Karen and Cadie, as they share their experience and some pretty good tips for balancing your work and life.
Listen here: Cheers to Business
That’s all folks! But don’t despair! You can follow us on our social media (@podcastdotco) to see our picks for Podcast of the Day as they happen! Also, make sure you’re all subscribed to our newsletter down below to make sure you don’t miss our next weekly roundup!
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