It’s us, back with another weekly roundup of awesome podcasts. Get ready! They’re coming! (Also we may have gotten this week and last week a bit mixed up but you'll forgive us right?).

I, Survivor
In today's society, it’s a very sad fact that a lot of women get assaulted, attacked, harassed, manipulated & intimidated. But above all else, they survive. Jenna & Wanjuki share their stories along with those of men & women who fought back and won in rising above their traumas.
Listen here: I, Survivor

Dreamland Audio
A serialized fiction podcast that’s part mystery part dark comedy. A single-minded private eye. A con artist with a grudge. A producer making ends meet and a stunt man at the end of his rope. Join in and listen to hear this spectacular audio drama, with awesome voice acting and a storyline that will keep you both amused and intrigued.
Listen here: Dreamland Audio

Healthy and Fit After 40
How to stay in shape and remain healthy when you're over 40, including workouts, tips and tricks and way more. New episodes are released on Wednesdays at 12 noon CST, so you'll always have something to look forward to every week. Maybe now is the time to join in and get in shape?
Listen here: Healthy and Fit After 40

Design Tomorrow
A podcast all about design, technology and what it means to be human. There's a special emphasis on growing our awareness of what we do and think today and how we create a better tomorrow. Look after the now, and the future will be a lot brighter, not just for our older selves, but our future generations.
Listen here: Design Tomorrow

What Was That Like?
It's a podcast that allows an open discussion into real peoples lives. Everyone on the show has an incredible story to tell, this podcast explores those stories to find out what it was like to experience them. Many different stories for you to get sucked right into, what's not to love?
Listen here: What Was That Like?
And that's the end, but before you go, make sure you follow us on all our social media for all the latest Podcast of the Day picks (@podcastdotco). Also, if you want your podcast to be featured as our Podcast of the Day, why not use the form below to sign up for that!
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